Friday, February 13, 2009

Triumph of the Trivial

Have you recently surfed the television channels and gone round twice without finding anything worth watching? We have expanded basic at our house, which means we have a lot of channels but no premium channels. My husband, Tim, asked me if I could believe the wasteland of viewing and I said, "What do you expect?" We are besieged by the trivial, constantly bombarded by sex, strife, car chases, news tickers, weather alerts and reality shows. Almost all of it has little or no impact or effect on our lives, immediate or long term. Almost all of it is voyeuristic tittelation. Too much of everything.

I sound like I'm going to go stay on Walden Pond, don't I? Well, I may just do. But in the meantime, how do I carve out a quiet space to think and pray and just BE? Shall I go on a TV fast? Boycott all media ? Not likely. I like my Pandora too much.

Add to all of this noise and confusion: Facebook. I am so glad I joined recently because I found friends from all over the country. But I'm not going to be using it for daily dips into social interaction. It's the worst of the worst of what's wrong with our culture: people exchanging real social interaction for superficial texting, blogging, chatting, messaging... oh wait, did I say "blogging?" Well, we all have our inconsistencies.


Spasticlizard said...

I agree w/ you on Facebook! It's been the best in terms of getting back in touch with people I had long ago lost track of. It helps me keep in touch w/ other friends on a more intimate level and almost doing life them through this great interface. It's tied us all back together into community again. But you're right in that it's probably not a good idea to be on it every day. You have to have quiet and down time too.

EvilBenKenobi said...

Hah. it's hard to stick to your guns regarding moral decisions. I hate TV but need my 24. I hate big box stores for putting "the little guy" out of business, but where do you go for tupperware and sheets?!? A huge conglomerate big box store.

A little facebook to keep in touch with people won't hurt. It beats not talking to these people at all! I think it fills a communication void for me, rather than taking the place of.

Christy said...

I avoid moral compromising by not assigning a moral imperative to such choices!